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Ako úderný servisný tím chceme denno-denne našim zákazníkom prostredníctvom kvalitných služieb orientovaných na potreby vytvárať preukázateľnú pridanú hodnotu a ušetriť im náklady, starosti alebo stres. Chceme tým dosiahnuť jasnú diferenciáciu od našej konkurencie a z našich zákazníkov vyvinúť lojálnych a spokojných obchodných partnerov!

Kultúra a stratégia servisu

Podanie si rúk s mentalitou

  • pragmatické konanie
  • férový pomer cena/výkon
  • kvalifikovaní servisní technici spoločnosti Pöttinger
  • kompetentný tuzemský servis
  • celoplošné pokrytie v Rakúsku
  • postoj neutrálny z hľadiska produktov
  • viac ako „len výrobný zákaznícky servis“

Čísla a fakty

  • 35 zamestnancov pôsobiacich v oblasti servisu
  • 18 servisných vozidiel vo vašej blízkosti
  • 6 servisných základní v Rakúsku
  • 20 servisných lisov na prenájom pre prípad potreby
  • 3500 plánovaných servisných kontrol ročne
  • 90 % Odstránenie poruchy v priebehu 24 hodín
  • 85 % Dodanie náhradných dielov do 48 hodín

We use cookies and tracking technologies

User-friendliness is important to us, which is why we are constantly developing the offers and online services available on our website. We would like to show content and advertising you are interested in. Continuing to browse the website means that cookies will be used. Cookies are only used in relation to personalised Google marketing products if you give your full consent ("Agree to all"). You can also customise the settings using the checkboxes provided.

Certain web technologies and cookies help to make this website easily accessible and user friendly. This covers essential basic functionalities, such as navigating the website, the way it is displayed in your browser and requesting your consent. This website will not work without the web technologies and cookies mentioned above.

Purpose of cookie Duration
Accept-Cookie Saves information if the "Accept cookies" banner was accepted or not. 6 Mesiace
Country (layer) and language (lang) Saves the country and language selected by the user. 6 Mesiace

We are constantly striving to improve the user-friendliness and performance of our website. That is why we use analysis technologies (including cookies), which monitor and evaluate anonymously which contents of our website are used and how often they are accessed.

Purpose of cookie Duration
Google Analytics Analysis of how the website is used (see below). 6 Mesiace
Purpose of cookie Duration
YouTube We link to YouTube videos from our website and use the extended data protection provided by YouTube. YouTube does not save any information about visitors to this website, unless you watch a video.Find out more here: do not have any control over YouTube cookies, but you can block these cookies in your browser settings. 6 Mesiace